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Privacy Policy

‍Technical provision of our website
We use the data described under Section 2a on each use of our website contents for the fault-free functioning and, in particular, the display of contents, languages, videos and pictures. These data are needed to be able to display our page in your browser.

This purpose of the processing of technically required data also includes security analyses and protection against attacks by means of statistical analyses, in order to analyse and rectify technical malfunctions, defend against attempted attacks, hacking and fraud, and optimising the functioning of the website (e.g. loading times on mobile devices or for slow internet connections). These data will be deleted after 90 days.

Your data are processed for this purpose on the basis of our legitimate interest in a fault-free operation of our website as defined by Art. 6(1) f) GDPR. You have the statutory right to object to this in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR, the enforceability of which requires an overriding interest of yours. The data used will not be combined with other data.

There is the possibility on our website to contact us via an email address and the phone number provided in the legal notice. If you elect to use this option, the data you have provided, in particular the sender email and/or the phone number as well as your inquiry will be sent to us. Depending on your inquiry (e.g. questions on surveys or for asserting your rights as data subject such as the right to receive information), your contact data will be processed further (with the assistance of service providers). 
The data are generally gathered on the basis of our legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6(1) f) GDPR according to which we would like to offer our customers and business partners a simple and easy possibility to contact us via such a contact form. Depending on the expressed request, further data processing will follow based on other legal bases. If your request, for example, relates to the conclusion of a contract, we will use your data according to Art. 6(1) b) GDPR. If you would like to assert your rights as a data subjects, we will use your data on the basis of Art. 6(1) c) GDPR. Depending on which of the said options are applicable, we will store the data after the fulfilment of the purpose. Inquiries without storage requirement will be deleted three months after the processing. We might be obliged by trade, tax or other laws to store some or all aforementioned data for the period stated in such laws.

Social plug-ins
We use so-called social plug-ins on our webpage, which enable our page contents on your respective social media profile.
Because data necessarily always have to be sent by us to the relevant network, we need your separate consent to this. For this purpose, we use the so-called two-click solution on our website. This means that you firstly need to activate the social media-sharing button specifically by clicking on it.

When you activate the button, your IP address will be transmitted to the “social” network based on your consent according to Art. 6(1) a) GDPR to enable the features, and you can then share the contents within the scope of the account that you maintain there. Please read the data privacy policy of the relevant network to find out how your data are used there.

Please notice that this transmission within the area of responsibility of the “social” network means that we can neither take control over nor accept the responsibility for the data processing taking place there. A transmission to countries outside of the EU (third country) where not always the same data protection standard is ensured is also tied to this data transfer.

For this purpose, we will store your consent for the transmission of your IP address for the period of three years in the form of a log entry for the purpose of our obligation to produce supporting documents pursuant to Art. 7(1) GDPR.

Which of your personal data do we use (data categories)?
We use the categories of data relating to you that are listed below, as dependent on your use of the website contents.

Web data
Web data are such that are generated in and by the use of our web offers or that must be used for this purpose. This means that these are exclusively such data that are technically necessary for the provision of the website.
Concretely, the following data are used as web data:
- IP address
- System data (operating system, resolution of the monitor, browser versions, language settings, time settings, battery charging status, end device, etc.)
- (Sub)-page retrievals
For the processing of contact requests, we always use:
- First and last name of the sender
- Contact channels (email, phone) specified by the sender
- Technical data (when was the contact request sent, from what IP, to what company, was the transmission successful or not)

In addition, we use all content data and information relating to the request – which data and information is used is determined by the data subject by his/her request. Dependent on the request, it may be the case that we also store additional data, such as those, which we have gathered in connection with a raffle or contract conclusion.

Integration of external contents
The integration of external contents technically requires your IP address. Only if it is transferred to the external party will it be possible to provide the relevant contents.

If you have given your consent, as described above in Section 1 e) to g), it is possible furthermore that the external contents also use independent technologies of their own that are outside of our control. In particular, unique IDs (e.g. cookie IDs) can then be stored of or about you and be processed, by means of which the third-party provider has the possibility to conduct additional data processing – which is outside of our control and for which we therefore do not accept any responsibility.

Who receives my data?
We regularly use service providers in the data processing described above. We require these service providers by way of contracts to process the data only on instruction and in the manner determined by us. If the involvement of such service providers leads to the data being transmitted outside of the EU, we will also ensure that an appropriate data protection standard is assured at the place of the recipient of the data. You have the right to receive a copy of the used guarantees, which are regularly the standard contract clauses (Controller-to-Processor) approved by the EU Commission and, if required, further measures for contractual assurance in addition.

Rights of data subjects
Regarding the processing activities described above, you are generally entitled to all rights of data subjects under the GDPR (Art. 15 to 22).

This means that you can request confirmation on which of your personal data we process (Art. 15) including information of whether your data are processed in the form of automated decision-making and, where this is the case, by what method and if you have a right to object to this (Art. 22). If your personal data stored by us are false, incorrect or no longer current, you have the right to request a correction (Art. 16). If the data should no longer be required for the aforementioned purposes, you have the right to request their erasure (Art. 17). If the legal conditions are given, you are also entitled to demand a restriction of processing (Art. 18). Moreover, if the legal conditions are given, you have the right to receive your data in a machine-readable format (Art. 20). If you exercise a right of a data subject, we are obligated to inform the relevant bodies of this to which we have transferred your data (Art. 19).

It is our interest to process data as transparently as possible and of course also in a permissible way. So, if you have questions or complaints about our handling of your data, we will of course be available to you. Irrespective thereof, you also have the right, however, to contact a supervisory authority and lodge complaint there.

Who we are?
The responsible data controller in terms of data protection regulations for the data processing activities described herein is byBrockstedt ApS, Krekærvangen 39, 8340 Malling; Therefore, if you need more information about the data processing of your data or if you would like to exercise your rights as a data subject, you can contact us at any time. You can reach our data protection officers at the address directly above with the addition “To the data protection officer” and including a reference to this website in your communication.

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