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For several years we have worked closely with Happn.
With more than 100 million users, happn is the dating app that allows you to find all those whom you have crossed paths with and whom fate has carried along.
With a focus on app downloads, we have optimized performance by bringing some of the biggest influencers on the campaign to tell their personal stories

What we did

Profile scouting

Content planning

Creative concept

Project management

Strategy; content planning including sponsored and organic rights

Some numbers 

The results of the campaign were achieved by selecting the best performing profiles who had a personal experience that matched the creative storytelling of the campaign.

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Client statement

“ByBrockstedt are excellent partners who, with dedication and a keen eye for the match between brand and influencers, still today help happn with campaigns in Denmark.
Attention to detail and efficient execution are among some of the top skills when they help us with the entire process from selection to evaluation.
It's a crush between ByBrockstedt and happn.”

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